Built for your whole team.
Trusted by all verticals.
Measure any type of ad spend
Use Cases
Many Possibilities. One Platform.
AI and Automation
The Always-on Incrementality Platform
Traditional TV measurement does not answer the needs of today’s marketer.
QR codes, and identity solutions, only account for a fraction of the impact.
Point solutions ignore marketing activities happening across other platforms such as Search, Social, Mobile, and others.
TV Advertising impacts performance across all platforms you operate in:
Mobile, Web, Retail, Consoles.
Our platform measures the actual cross-platform value generated by your TV campaigns
Measuring incrementality has always been important for us, as incrementality measures the true value of our marketing activities. INCRMNTAL got it right. The INCRMNTAL platform allows us to measure the actual value of our campaigns, while taking seasonality into consideration in every measurement. INCRMNTAL also allows us to measure and understand cross channel influence across all of our activities, including TV, influencers, and more.
Before making any decisions we conducted rigorous validation tests over INCRMNTAL. We compared the platform to our own analysis, 3rd party solutions, and we even challenged the platform by onboarding fake spend data. The platform passed every test we ran it through. Measuring each and every campaign across all mediums and platforms, we learned that the incremental value of our mobile campaigns was far greater than some of our web campaigns - even though attribution reporting showed us a completely different picture. We changed our budget allocation amongst platforms thanks to insights we received and were able to validate.